Free knowledge

We believe sharing our learning is fundamental to building capacity and encouraging meaningful change, so we’ve created some valuable resources that you can download – for free. 

Understanding the service design process

Curious about innovative ways to transform public services? Dive into this video to learn how service design works in public services.

Scrum in a nutshell

Heard of Scrum but have no idea what it means? Download this 3 minute video to learn the basics to see if it could work for you and your team.

Supercharge your Agile journey

Boost your Agile learning journey with science-backed tips. Joe shares his secrets to mastering new techniques - don't miss out on this.

Agile jargon buster

It seems like the Agile jargon list could go on forever, so let us help you out... We've created an Agile jargon buster that clarifies the terminology so that you can confidently dive into conversations.

Customer journey jargon buster

Break down the jargon of customer journey mapping with this guide. It simplifies key terms so that you can get confident with the basics.

Your guide to self-organising teams

Learn how self-organising teams drive effective public sector change with practical tips and key benefits.
How to Guide

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