Basis’s mission is to help public services tackle messy problems. To achieve this, we need to understand and be inclusive of the unique experiences, perspectives and viewpoints within our own workforce, and also of the diverse groups of people, teams, and communities we work with.
What we mean by that is that we aim to be inclusive of all people regardless of age, gender (or gender reassignment), disability, being pregnant or on maternity leave, race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex, or being married or in a civil partnership.
We know that embracing varied perspectives helps generate great ideas to better solve the complex problems of a changing world.
Our ultimate goal is to make Diversity and inclusion intrinsic to our way of working. But we know that this can’t happen without action. Inclusion is not just about having diversity and acknowledging it, it’s about using empathy and other people’s perspectives to view problems through their lens. Genuine inclusion will see the way that we operate and practice shift as we’re able to incorporate and include a variety of different views into the work that we do.
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