Develop an understanding of Agile and how it can be used to deliver complex change within the public sector. Use this session to promote awareness amongst your teams. Help staff and leaders to realise the benefits of Agile. And get them started on delivering team improvements.
In all our work we always aim to begin small and grow. We will help you do the same as you get started with Agile.
This is an introductory training for organisations who are completely new to Agile.
A compact, basic training for everyone in government transformation: officers, managers and leaders.
Do you have questions or would you like advice? Get in touch with Rebecca!
Our introductory course gives you just enough theory to start experimenting with the Agile approach in your own context.
You will learn by doing, applying your knowledge and developing your understanding of Agile as you go.
Rebecca has spent 10-years lovingly delivering and improving this course. Incorporating our learnings from projects and feedback from alumni so that our course is relevant, impactful and fun.
She enjoys working with delegates to make sense of agile and how to adopt it in their work.
Max has helped public and third-sector organisations apply Agile approaches to make progress on complex problems, such as supporting the initial rollout of Family Hubs in Newham.
His experience in facilitating the process for public sector teams gives him unique insight into how to get started with Agile.
Laura is skilled in change management in challenging environments. She has years of experience facilitating, training and coaching teams to apply new ways of working to improve services.
This enables her to equip participants with the knowledge they need to get started with Agile in an impactful way.
Joe is an expert in service transformation and agile methods. He has helped teams across the public and third sector apply Agile in a way that helps them deliver meaningful change, quickly.
Develop an understanding of Agile and how it can be used to deliver complex change within the public sector.
Help staff and leaders to realise the benefits of Agile.
Promote awareness of the potential of Agile amongst teams.
Our Agile training equips your organisation to achieve better results, more social value, and crucially improve outcomes for your residents.
Our courses are proudly accredited by the Public Service Transformation Academy
You book on this website, or on our Eventbrite pages
You do not have to pay immediately
You will receive an invoice in the name of your organisation (if desired, with your order number)
It couldn’t be faster or easier!
Get in touch by filling out the form, or you can directly contact us.