Agile Training

Design and deliver change with impact

Our Agile training programme equips your organisation to achieve better results, more social value, and crucially improve outcomes for your users. We have a full range from introductory to Agile, to specialist courses to hone your skills.

What is Agile Training?

Agile training is an alternative approach to designing and delivering change. Widely used in the IT sector, Agile also benefits organisations in the public services. Especially because it thrives when complexity and uncertainty are high. 

Using an iterative approach, Agile breaks down complex problems into manageable chunks. Enabling solutions to be purpose built, tested, and continuously improved. Agile values human communication, feedback and producing working results.

91% of our delegates report they feel confident enough to immediately apply Agile to their work. And 93% of participants continue to regularly use Agile in their work!

Our Agile training programme

We offer a full Agile learning pathway consisting of 5 courses. Designed to support you from understanding basic Agile concepts, through to experimentation, and all the way to true Agile mastery.

  1. Introduction to Agile
  2. Agile Master in Public Services
  3. Advanced Agile Facilitator
  4. Leading Agile Teams
  5. Agile Team Dynamics

Agile training makes your difference

Our Agile training programme equips your organisation to achieve:

  • Better results
  • More social value
  • Crucially improved outcomes for your users

You’ll be amazed at your ability to design and deliver impactful solutions using Agile for complex change projects.

The Agile training pathway

Our Agile courses

Agile Master in Public Services

This is our flagship training: over 1,000 alumni. An immersive programme blending theory and exercises to develop a thorough working knowledge of Agile. Entry level: beginner.

Introduction to Agile

A compact, basic training for everyone in government transformation: officers, managers and leaders. Entry level: beginner.

Advanced Agile Facilitator​

You have completed our Agile Master in Public Services and want to specialise as an Agile facilitator (Agile project manager). You want to learn advanced change skills.

Leading Agile Teams

You have completed our Agile Master in Public Services and want to specialise as an Agile leader (Agile product owner).

Agile Team Dynamics

You have completed our Agile Master in Public Services and want to specialise as an Agile team member or Agile facilitator. How to best collaborate and make your team a success?

Quick comparison table

Our range of training courses

Choose what suits you best

Inhouse training in classroom

  • For groups
  • With your colleagues
  • At your location
  • Focused on your practice

Inhouse training online

  • For groups
  • With your colleagues
  • Virtual
  • Focused on your practice

Open course online

  • Individually or with colleagues
  • Online courses typically draw people nationally
  • Sharing with and learning from other public sector professionals
  • Virtual

Open course in classroom

  • Individually or with colleagues
  • Sharing with and learning from other public sector professionals
  • On location in London

Find your training the easy way!

It can be hard to decide which training is best for you. Or maybe you want something slightly different?

Don’t end up with second best – contact us for (free) tailor-made advice.

What sets Basis Training apart?

Public services specific

Training by frontline consultants

Hybrid training delivered live

Fully accredited

Combining theory with workshops

It’s really engaging and fun!

What our fans say

Organisations we train(ed)

Ready to book?​

How does booking and payment work?


You book on this website, or on our Eventbrite pages


You do not have to pay immediately


You will receive an invoice in the name of your company (if desired, with your order number)

It couldn’t be faster or easier!

Expert Training for
Government Transformation

Get in touch

London and Cardiff
The Netherlands
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All rights reserved, registered at 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR United Kingdom